Global Conference of Leaders was founded by Dr Dennis Myles Golphin in 2019 as a vision to unite an ecumenical group of leaders into a common Apostolic global alliance. The GCOL is an academic and leadership communion as an outgrowth of The Global Conference of Bishops and is founded on a common faith and discipline in historic Leadership training.
The Global Conference of Leaders like its’ parent will have a foundation of historical Christian essentials in doctrine, worship, and ethical accountability. However, we will not seek to have authority in matters of doctrine, liturgy or internal administration over any member leader or organization. It is simply our commitment to fellowship, educate, and advise accordingly.

Dr Dennis Myles Golphin received his call in the ministry at an early age and has been serving the Body of Christ for over 61 years and has become an international bible scholar and authority on early church history and biblical apologetics.
He is the oldest of three sons of the late Bishop Milledge and Alice Golphin, of Baltimore, MD. He is also happily married to Lady Sharon L Golphin and is the father of five daughters and one son. As principal celebrant in worship, Dr Golphin became an accomplished musician and International Worship Leader. Having traveled much of the world for over 45 years, he has a global perspective regarding his current and future roles, and assignments.